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Assistant Teaching Professor in Accounting Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
Michigan Technological University's College of Business invites applicants for an Assistant Teaching Professor in Accounting.
Assistant Teaching Professor or Professor of Practice Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
Michigan Technological University invites applications for an assistant teaching professor/professor of practice faculty position in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Applicants for the position are required to have a Ph.D. and/or an M.S. with significant industrial experience in chemical engineering or a closely related discipline by August 11, 2025.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Political Science & Policy Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Social Sciences at Michigan Technological University invites applications for the position of Assistant Teaching Professor in Political Science or Public Policy. Applicants must have a PhD in Political Science, Public Policy, or a related social science field.
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
Michigan Technological University and The Materials Science & Engineering Department invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor. Preferred applicants will have a degree in MSE or an equivalent materials-centric discipline. Applicants whose research focuses on contemporary approaches to traditional processing-structure-property relationships in materials are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will have a demonstrated record of professional contributions and the potential to continue and sustain a high-quality, peer-recognized teaching and research program.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Structural Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering (CEGE) at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) invites applications and nominations for a faculty position at the instructional track, assistant teaching professor level. Michigan Tech CEGE is searching for outstanding candidates who can add to the existing teaching strengths in multiple research areas.
Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering (CEGE) at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) invites applications and nominations for a faculty position at the assistant professor level in the field of environmental engineering. Michigan Tech CEGE is seeking outstanding candidates who can add to the existing research and teaching strengths in multiple research areas. Primary consideration will be for applicants at the rank of Assistant Professor, although applicants with the education, experience, and accomplishments commensurate with a higher rank may be considered for an appointment at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor. The committee will start reviewing applications from November 18, 2024. The search will continue until the position is filled
Assistant Professor, Environmental Data Science & Biostatistics Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES) at Michigan Technological University (MTU) invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor faculty position in Environmental Data Science and Biostatistics, with an anticipated start date of August 2025. CFRES offers B.S. degrees in Forestry, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Applied Ecology and Environmental Science, Natural Resources Management, Sustainable Bioproducts, Environmental Science and Sustainability and Environmental Data Science. We additionally offer Master’s degrees in Forest Ecology and Management, Applied Ecology and Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, and doctoral degrees in Forest Science and Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. MTU is located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, providing access to diverse natural environments for hands-on learning, field-based research, and outdoor adventure, fostering a unique and immersive experience for students and faculty alike.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Environmental Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering (CEGE) at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) invites applications and nominations for a faculty position at the instructional track, assistant teaching professor level in the field of environmental engineering. Michigan Tech CEGE is searching for outstanding candidates who can add to the existing teaching strengths
Assistant Professor, Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences (GMES) at Michigan Technological University is seeking an interdisciplinary scholar to develop a vibrant, externally funded research program in the broad area of geological engineering for geohydrology. Specific research areas of interest may include but are not limited to: groundwater and contaminant hydrology, groundwater engineering, hydrodynamics modeling, surface or subsurface remediation, and geohazards.
Assistant Teaching Professor of Music (Bands) Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Visual and Performing Arts at Michigan Technological University seeks a dynamic musician-educator to fill the position of instructional-track assistant teaching professor of music (Bands) starting August 2025. Michigan Tech has a growing and innovative band program with a 200-member pep band, an auditioned wind symphony, a non-auditioned concert band, two large jazz ensembles, and a New Orleans-style brass band. This position entails overseeing and advising the Pep Band, directing the R&D Jazz Band, coaching jazz combos, and may include conducting the Campus Concert Band. Other activities will include teaching courses in music (Jazz History, Music Appreciation, other courses depending on expertise), directing/coaching chamber ensembles, advising student organizations, and participating in regional tours.
Assistant Professor, Optics Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Physics at Michigan Technological University (MTU) seeks a candidate to fill a faculty position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Optics, to begin in August of 2025. Applicants with the required education, experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and accomplishments commensurate with a higher rank will also be considered for an appointment at the rank of associate or full professor.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invites applications for two or more instructional track faculty positions at all levels to begin in the fall semester of 2025. The department seeks forward-looking individuals who are skilled at translating new and exciting discoveries into effective graduate and undergraduate teaching in both face-to-face classrooms and online courses. The position is non-tenure-track.
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Data Science & Health Informatics Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The College of Computing at Michigan Technological University invites applications for multiple tenure track faculty positions in the broad areas of biomedical data science and health informatics. Data Science, in all of its forms, is a major priority for the College, and these positions are critical to that effort. The College currently offers 15 degree programs, including a BS in Data Science, MS in Data Science, and MS in Health Informatics. Preliminary discussions regarding a PhD in Data Science have begun, and the College is actively planning for a Department of Data Science to house these programs, faculty, and staff. The anticipated start date is August 2025.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Nursing Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Biological Sciences at Michigan Technological University is seeking applications for an assistant/associate teaching professor. Primary consideration will be for applicants at the rank of Assistant Teaching Professor, although applicants with the experience and accomplishments commensurate with a higher rank may be considered for an appointment at the rank of Associate Teaching Professor. Instructional-track faculty in Nursing are primarily responsible for the teaching and supervision of nursing students in the classroom, lab, and clinical settings. Primary teaching responsibilities will include the development and delivery of courses in the areas of Maternal-Child Nursing. Other teaching responsibilities will consist of Nursing Fundamentals, and Medical-Surgical Nursing or may be assigned based on need and as appropriate.
Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Psychology and Human Factors ( at Michigan Technological University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Human Factors Psychology, beginning in August 2025.
Assistant Professor, College of Computing Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The College of Computing at Michigan Technological University invites applications for four tenure track faculty positions in the broad areas of cybersecurity and computer science. Primary consideration will be for applicants at the rank of Assistant Professor, although applicants with the experience and accomplishments commensurate with a higher rank may be considered for an appointment at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor. We encourage applicants in all research areas of computer science, especially those with expertise in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, software engineering, data science, and systems.
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invites applications for two or more faculty positions at the assistant professor level to begin in the fall semester of 2024. Higher ranks may also be considered for exceptional candidates having outstanding track records in federal funding records, scholarly productivity, and exemplary teaching. The department seeks forward-looking individuals who will develop vigorous research programs; who are skilled at translating new and exciting discoveries into effective graduate and undergraduate teaching in classrooms.
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Michigan Technological University is seeking applicants for multiple Professor positions at all ranks. Applicants for the position are required to have earned doctorates in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering, or a closely related field. All research areas are of interest, including Space robotics, Controls with aerospace applications, Hypersonics, Experimental mechanics (material testing, …etc.), Aircraft and Ground Vehicle Electric propulsion, Aerospace systems engineering, Spacecraft thermalsystems, NVH, and more.
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering Main Campus (Houghton, MI)
The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) invites applications and nominations for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level. Michigan Tech BME is searching for outstanding candidates who can add to the existing research and teaching strengths in multiple research areas.